Initially, chana was not a primary component of sondesh. I should point you that German Pot cheese and our chana are practically identical. The Portuguese community taught the Bengalis how to make chana from milk. Hoogli was the first district in West Bengal where the “Moira’s started making sondesh.” It is thought that the “chana or chena” has its roots in Middle-European Quark. Curd is used to make quark, a soft cheese.
However, the Moira tribe was the first to begin making Shondesh using Chana and either sugar or jaggery.

  • Makha Shondesh: Chana is mashed and cooked with sugar or jaggery. This specific kind does not have a specified form..
  • Shondesh and different shapes: Typically, Shondesh is given various forms using moulds after the Chana has been cooked. Sankh-shaped, ata-shaped, flower-shaped, etc. are only a few examples.
  • Norom Paker Shondesh: The shondesh in this instance has a velvety feel.
    Korapaker Shondesh: The surface here is rocky.

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